Weekend Reading 3.14.20

What.A.Crazy.Week! Wow friends, how are you all holding up? This virus is rocking our world! I was out with a few friends last night, me met at a local brewpub, and the virus is the thing everyone is talking about. There hasn’t been an outbreak in our county yet so we’re all doing our best to support our local businesses for as long as possible, but also conscious that we will all be better off if we self quarantine to the best of our ability to slow this down. Spring break just started and we suspect the school system will go to digital teaching for the rest of March. We’re awaiting that announcement.

One of the things that came out of my conversation with my friends was that this forced pause on all of our lives could generate some really positive things. Gratitude is one, we should all be grateful we have homes to hunker down in. Extra time gives us all an opportunity to catch up on our to do lists, those projects or chores we’ve been neglecting. Extra time spent at home is also an opportunity to tackle things you may have been thinking about but putting off: starting a new business, writing a book, creating music or art, etc. Who knows, with all this extra time, come summer we may a sudden injection of creative new ideas flooding the world!

Favorite links from the week:

I spy many beautiful patterns and colors in these home tours by Florida designer Kara Hebert.

Experts share their home decorating and renovating tips to elevate your style.

A great explanation why you should never buy the furniture set.

9 ways to make working from home more joyful.

Boosting neighborhood morale by singing songs together.

Bookmark these three great photography tips for when we all start traveling again.

10 acts of kindness from strangers around the world.

If we’re all restricted from traveling, we can still enjoy these 47 great travel films.

Also, 22 Irish movies to watch on St. Patrick’s Day.

We’re all in this new challenge together! Let’s keep sharing stories of positivity and hope as we tackle this trial. 🙂 Next week I’ll be reorganizing my office, creating a tiny patio sitting area outside my studio, finishing my taxes, and making more art for the new site. What will you be doing with your extra time spent at home?


from Home Improvement https://centsationalstyle.com/2020/03/weekend-reading-3-14-20/

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